Business name registration is required by limited companies, individuals or partnerships that trade under a name other than their legal name.

Registration of a business name is obligatory if any individual or partnership (whether composed of individuals or bodies corporate or any combination of both) or any body corporate carries on business under a name other than their own true names. Its purpose is to make public the identities of those individual(s), partnerships or corporate bodies being the legal entity behind the business name.
(Source: Companies Registration Office)
This is a separate procedure of registering a company name and involves providing details to the business names register. Business name registration can be particularly useful for limited companies that wish to establish trading divisions for separate markets and therefore for commercial purposes may require to register a business name for each division. Many sole traders also trade under a separate name for commercial purposes and would be required to register a business name.

Points to consider prior to business name registration:

  1. There is no limitation to more than one entity using the same business name.
  2. It may be beneficial to check the trade mark register to ensure that your business name has not been protected.

Business Name Registration can be added to any of our Irish Limited Company Packages.

Click here to view our Irish Limited Company Packages